Book Review: The Outlands by Tyler Edwards

Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia

Goodreads Blurb:

In the ruins of the world that was lies the city of Dios, a haven protected from the hostile environment known as The Outlands. Ruled by an oppressive Patriarch, the people of Dios are conditioned in fear. The smallest infraction could result in banishment to the Outlands, a fate worse than death.

With his make-shift family of “Undesirables”, Jett Lasting struggles to find his place in a world where drawing attention to yourself can get you killed. His very existence is considered a crime. To survive, he must avoid guards, beggar gangs, and an ever-growing tension that could drag the whole city into chaos.

Jett unwittingly becomes entwined in a plot to overthrow the government where his choices could lead to freedom or the death of everyone he’s ever known or cared about.

May be an illustration of text that says 'THE OUTLANDS Don't stand up. Don't stand out. TYLER EDWARDS'

I was kindly sent a digital copy of this Dystopian novel, The Outlands, by the author Tyler Edwards, and I am sincerely grateful.


I am a huge fan of dystopian novels and I tend to pick books of that genre more often than not, but receiving a review copy that exactly matches my reading taste can be rare, and this book passed that test. The Outlands is about a boy named Jett Lasting, a snarky thief, and his group of outcast friends called “Undesirables,” who are treated like trash by the society and the leaders of a system of government known as “The Patriarch” because of their upbringing and social status, and if they get caught, they’re likely to be sent to “the Outlands.” Jett and the others join forces to bring the system down in this domed city of Dios, one of the supposed last five remaining cities on Earth.

The description is what pulled me in, as I’d already told the author. It isn’t a never-done-before kind of dystopian story and the premise is reminiscent of similar franchises, but the novel felt very authentic to read with such a well-developed world-building. It’s a startling revelation that maybe our own world isn’t all that different from the one the author created. It is very plot-driven and action-packed and there isn’t a second where something crazy isn’t happening. I was sent a book trailer as well which is worth checking out-

The Outlands trailer

I adore stories with the found-family and friends trope and this did not disappoint at all. It was so much fun to read the interaction between them, and their different personalities and abilities complemented each other. The book had a lot of description going on here and there, and the first chapters were too convoluted with heavy information and I had to backtrack quite a few times to recall everything. It is expected from a dystopian novel but it could’ve been executed a bit better. However, the book was very well thought-out and well researched, and I would give the author props for that.

The cheer gets louder as more and more add their voices to the choir. “Jett! Jett! Jett!” They begin to chant. That’s awkward. The cheering turns to celebration and into jubilee. The clusters of gangs collapse as the people meld together, embracing each other, laughing, slapping each other on the back. I look over at Victor. Spike claps and runs up onto the platform, wrapping his arms around my stomach and lifting me into the air, laughing as he does.

“Aye, brotha, that was the best speech I’ve ever heard in me whole life.” Just like that, I am a thief no longer. I am the voice of a revolution.

I was disappointed that the female characters did not have much personality to them, but then I realized how it is from the perspective of Jett and the characters are described as Jett sees them. Hopefully, as the author promised, there will be more for them in the sequels, which brings us to: it’s going to be a series! Yay! I loved that twist at the end and needed more! I can’t wait to read more from Tyler Edwards. He’s definitely an up and coming author, with clearly a talent in writing dystopia.

addtogoodreads-script_26_orig - Greg Vogt Author

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Paula Cribb says:

    The Outlands is a great read! It holds your attention from page one. The characters are well written and the story line is solid! Action packed and leaves you waiting for the sequel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mist Ghost says:

      Agreed, Paula!


  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I am so glad you liked it! I am actually working on a revision for the book to address almost all of the things you mentioned (moving some world-building around, flushing out Becka’s character a lot more, giving Lilly a bit more of a role as well). Decided the girls shouldn’t have to wait for book 2 to reveal how awesome they are :-p. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mist Ghost says:

      Can’t wait for that!


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