Book Review Policy

Email your review request including the title of the book, author name, genre, a summary of the book, release date and the length to

Please read over my Review Policy before contacting me about a review.

I will only give honest reviews, so they might obviously include negative ones, but rest assured that I will try my best to highlight all the good and positive points of your book. I post my reviews on my blog (Mist Ghost) and Goodreads, and promote via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. My favourite genre is Fantasy, whether it is high, low, epic, urban, etc. However, I have a lot of preferred genres, which I have listed down below.

I accept digital copies (PDF, Epub, etc.) as it is difficult and expensive for authors to send physical copies all the way to Bangladesh, but I would very much prefer and appreciate paperbacks/hardcovers, because, let’s be honest, the best part of the reading experience is the feel and smell of the paper. So if you are an author residing in the same country as I do, please send me a bound copy.

Preferred Genre:

  • Young Adult (YA)
  • Middle Grade (MG)
  • Queer Fiction (Adult, YA)
  • Fantasy and Science Fiction (Adult, MG, YA)
  • Dystopia (Adult, YA)
  • Urban Fantasy/ Supernatural (Adult, MG, YA)
  • Comics and Graphic Novels (MG, YA)
  • Magical Realism
  • Poetry
  • Literary Fiction

Genre I do not consider:

  • Erotica/ Smut (I do not mind sex scenes, but I am not a fan of sex-driven stories.)
  • Non-fiction (Depending on the subject matter. Biographies are a plus, self-help are not.)
  • Religious Fiction that proselytizes

For review, I’ll accept: 

– ARC (digital or bound)

– e-books

– Finished copies (Paperback or Hardcover), but remember that I live in Sylhet, Bangladesh.  

I rate the books I read as following:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! Definitely one of my favorite books now, and I’d probably be re-reading this in the future and recommend to everyone.
⭐⭐⭐⭐: Loved it! I’d recommend it to people who might be interested.
⭐⭐⭐: It’s okay. I like it but I might have found some faults that triggered me. I’d probably not pick it up again or recommend unless someone asks me about it.
⭐⭐: Not my type of book.
⭐: Just. No. Never remind me of it.
I know my judgement is probably harsh, but I rarely ever rate anything less than 3!

I understand that my taste in books will not be similar to everyone’s, so if my recommendation does not please you, I urge you- do not send hate. It is plain rude. I will also not engage in any discussion in order to change my mind about a certain book. My reviews are final.

My reviews will be posted to: 

My blog


Instagram/ Twitter/ Facebook (promotion)

I do not ask for any formal payment but any kind of honorarium is definitely appreciated and you may discuss about it with me. For any short message you may have for me, you may leave it below! Thank you for choosing to contact me. ❤