
Naomi got into her boots and coat, and as soon as she stepped out of the building, the blinding sun shone on her face. “Forgot my shades, again,” she muttered to herself. Regardless, she treaded along the pavement, barely hiding her eyes from the rays. She had to force herself out of her bed every…

Raja Mansion

I had the opportunity to write this short fiction for the national newspaper, Daily Star’s weekly magazine, SHOUT, in their special issue solely focusing on the Sylhet city and the people living here. You can read it on their website here. My story was edited and shortened for the magazine, so below is the unedited…

Fate of Rose

Rose sensed that she was being watched. The nasty look channelled at her was nonchalant, yet so intense, as if she was the target of a much bigger stratagem that lacked a motive. From the moment she was born, she was told that she belonged to a much superior hierarchy than the rest that surrounded…