Proof of BTS: 9 Years of a Breathtaking Journey

I wrote this article for The Interlude in celebration of BTS’s 9th debut anniversary (which is on my birthday) and their release of the new anthology album, Proof. I’d like to think this article is the proof of my love for them. Do give this a read here or below.Happy 9th Anniversary, BTS. BTS returned…

An Unravelling

I barely enjoy anything anymore. I have to force myself to watch shows, read books, talk to friends, study for exams, work to earn, clean my room, go out to eat, daydream a future where I am “happy” and even after all that, I feel numb and I have to tell myself I am doing…

Appreciating Bring Me The Horizon

It’s 2013. School just ended for the day and I run out of the classroom like it’s the end of the world, down the stairs and to the backyard instead of the front because I know it’d be too crowded. The one friend I have is on a sick leave so there’s no point dilly-dallying….

Do You?

Do you ever find yourself romanticising your classes and pretending you’re a novelist in the 18th century about to publish your first draft when in fact you are just sitting in your room with a blank Google Doc? Do you ever just want to fall in love and study together in a sunlit corner of…

A Gratitude Letter to BTS

13.06.2020 [a gratitude letter to BTS 💌] Dear BTS, While I was introduced to your songs properly in 2017, and even had known about you for a long time before that, it’s actually been exactly only a year since I started considering myself an ARMY. I cannot say, like so many others, that I found…

A Bigger Picture

Growth. A process I have gotten way too familiar with over the past two years. A year ago, I was heart-broken, left with shattered dreams, and felt beyond repair. Things haven’t just healed and started to work out the way I want or anything like that, of course, but I like to think I have…

A Fresh Start?

Hi. This is my first real post here. I’m an extremely shy person who I suck at introductions Oh what the hell. I really do suck. At everything. Life, studies, small talks, introductions, and so on. Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be alive. I mean, it’s “survival of the best”, not the worst,…